FIRST READ THIS,  for an introduction to Bronowskian thinking.*


A multitude of evolutionary changes -- anatomical and intellectual -- gives rise to humanity's superiority among the animals. New computer techniques illustrate humanity's evolution, while x-ray and slow-motion photography of an Olympic athlete in motion show the complex interweaving of mind and body.
© 1974, British Broadcasting Company

More Information -- General description of "More Information" entries

Each episode page might contain More Information about some scientific topic in that episode, a topic not explained in much detail during the program. Much of More Information will come from Wikipedia, a generally very reliable and up-to-date resource on most scientific subjects. 


Most scientific entries in Wikipedia start simple and work slowly into more complexity and detail. This way, the entry can be of help to readers at every level. At some point, most ordinary folks will drop out, but having profited by some new knowledge. Readers with some background in the subject will last longer, and only experts might make it all the way. This means that almost anyone can get started and learn something new, even they don't read very far. So your own drop-out point is when you become satisfied that you will not profit from reading on. I practically never read an entire Wikipedia entry, even with topics in which I have considerable experience. 

* And if you never quite know what to do with a poem, try this one:

Billy Collins: Introduction to Poetry

And for a deeper dive into the range of connections between science and poetry, see 

Poetry and Science at One Culture.

© 1974, British Broadcasting Company